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Women's Health
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Himalaya Lukol
60 pastillas - 171.82 EURO (2.86 EURO/pastilla) Añadir al carrito
* 1 pack = 60 pills

Lukol has a stimulatory action on the endometrium. Lukols tonic property improves uterine circulation, and its antimicrobial and astringent actions on the mucous membrane of the genital system control leukorrhea. Lukol also improves general health and relieves the symptoms associated with leukorrhea.

Para órdenes más grandes la tarifa de envío Registered Mail se aplicarán para cada 100 pastillas.
Para los pedidos con más de 300 pastillas o para las compras Por Mayor, por favor, contactenos a [email protected] para recibir un descuento.

Shipped from: EU

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Lukol is useful when the following symptoms are displayed:

Non-specific leukorrhea
Malaise and backache associated with leukorrhea
Pelvic inflammatory disease.
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